Milwaukee, WI




Strange fact about me: I love taking quizzes and tests.

I thrive on the thrill--and depending on the type of test, the skill--that is involved, and reading my results or seeing my score gives me a sort of logic-fueled adrenaline rush (and sometimes fun-fueled--I can't seem to resist a "what kind of garlic bread are you" kind of quiz). Recently, I took the DISC Index and the Meyer's Briggs to really get an insight on myself and turns out I am an optimist with a sense of humor and also an INTJ. Did you know that only 2-3% of the world is INTJ? And only 0.8% of females? It's rare and different and after reading the description, not too far off.

I am a movie buff and mystery enthusiast as well as an avid video gamer, drummer, and a lover of paintball. I'm competitive by nature and enjoy a good challenge or puzzle. And I'm always down for talking design, history, music, travel, books, and TV shows (especially if it's Supernatural).

But what does this all mean for my designs?

I enjoy having fun, learning, and trying new things--especially with design. I'm always looking for the next new thing and trying to find new techniques that can really push the design further. Whether it is hints at an older time or something completely new and different, I'll take the chance to expand my horizons and improve my designs.